Email to SMS Free Airtel Karnataka

Did you know that SMS to any Airtel mobile phone user in Karnataka can be sent very easily? Below are the simple steps to send an SMS to a mobile phone easily and totally free of cost.

  1. Note down the mobile number of the Airtel mobile user
  2. Open your email client program [Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo]
  3. In the “To” field, provide the mobile number followed by
  4. For example, if the person’s phone number is “1234567890”, then you need to type in the “To” field.
  5. Just click send and the message is sent in no time!! Isn’t this so easy!!

Note: The message should not exceed 100 letters (including spaces) and should be in plain text. HTML or Rich Text not allowed.

If anyone knows how to send to the following, it would be very useful for our visitors:

  • Hutch [Vodaphone]
  • Spice
  • Virgin
  • Reliance
  • Tata
  • BSNL
  • Idea